ITSM Journey

ITSM Hub has every angle covered for your
IT Services to Shine

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Our approach is pragmatic. Many talk about achieving best practice but for a lot of our customers that goal is so far in the distance that it is almost inconceivable and leads to inertia and despair.

So, we begin finding out how to make your services better by understanding where the issues are, helping define the improvements with the biggest impact and value, showing how to tackle these in a logical and coherent way, and by providing the resources to help you get there.  You can have ITSM Hub as your partner along the whole journey or just lean on us to help with the more challenging bits.

We’ve helped customers along this journey many times and our experts have seen (nearly) everything.

It helps to break the journey down in stages to better understand the elements
that go into building ITSM capability.  These stages are in chronological order, although organisation often might cycle through the journey multiple times tackling specific ITSM practices in each cycle.

The ITSM Hub improvement journey


Baseline assessment

Objective measure of performance

Comparison of policy and actual practice

Recommendations for improvement


Roadmap for improvement

A workshop to bring together desired improvements, internal and external business context and develop a tailored high-level roadmap to increase maturity


Process & Practice Design

Designing improved policies and processes

Ensuring the building blocks exist for future extension


Implementation assistance

Service improvement through our ITSM experts, full or part outsourcing available

Support managed service provider and/or ITSM tool procurement processes

Access to templates, governance models and documents

Troubleshoot existing processes to identify points of failure


Capability Uplift

Certification training for key staff

Customised workshops and eLearning programmes.

Ongoing mentoring and coaching

Baseline assessment

ITSM Hub is an AXELOS consulting partner. We provide process maturity assessments, which is an independent, objective assessment and a proven approach to establishing a baseline process maturity level. 

Having a baseline of your current state is essential to any improvement programme. Our assessment service shows you just how effective the practices in your organisation are. 

The assessment covers the people and organisation, processes and practices, technology and tools and supplier aspects where relevant to the proper functioning of
the practices.

Once you establish your baseline (“know where you are”) the right decisions and action can be taken to get the outcome you need to ultimately be more effective, improve service and value to the business and customers, as well as save time and money, all while utilising your resources more efficiently.

Roadmap for improvement

When an organisation decides to adopt an IT Service Management (ITSM) strategy, it needs to start with a vision and purpose and then commence with a roadmap and plan.

Adopting a new ITSM approach is a considerable undertaking and requires a proven implementation methodology to underpin it. Our consultants will help guide your organisation and provide a smooth transition toward a new way of working by documenting:

Why are we doing this? – the vision (purpose)

Where do we want to be? – specific objectives and outcomes relevant to the vision

What should our overall approach be to achieve the desired outcome?

Clients will get the most value from our roadmap service offering when it is done in conjunction with our process maturity assessment which provides the baseline from which to start the improvement journey.

Process and Practice Design

ITSM Hub provides suitably qualified expert(s), to establish broad-based uplift momentum and take on the primary effort of defining and documenting processes and practices to the standard and level required of the organisation. Our consultants can assist your organisation from current state to desired state.

A common risk is that organisations attempting to work on agreed service improvement actions are required to attend first to operational imperatives and newly emerging business priorities. As a result, your improvement initiatives are crowded out and lose momentum and little substantive progress achieved.

The benefit of our approach is that one or more streams of work can be established and actioned without strong dependency on existing IT staff time and effort.  In addition, our methodology follows the Agile sprint approach, so you get benefits as each practice is addressed.

A further benefit of this engagement model is that it provides you with some flexibility in tasking of our expert. Should internal or external factors cause a change in service improvement priorities, the consultant can readily work with you to quickly adjust focus.

Implementation assistance

How often have you had a consultant come in, design shiny new policies and processes, you release them with great fanfare and nothing happens? Your team(s) resist the proposed change and its easy for momentum to be lost. The implementation phase is vital and organisations often struggle if they leave it to existing teams
and resources.

With ITSM Hub you can inject expertise into this change process. We can provide the ITSM expertise to help your team adapt to the new processes, observe and even manage your first major incidents or provide professional organisational change management resources to plan out and execute major changes.

If your uplift involves a move to managed services, then our experts can assist with preparing tender documents to ensure that you will get the service you need. We can also assist with the selection process to provide an informed purchaser capability.

For more mature customers we offer a troubleshooting service to test why a process or practice isn’t working as it should. This will identify the root-cause of your pain and offer both tactical and strategic solutions to address it.

Capability Uplift

ITIL® is the most widely recognised framework for IT and digitally enabled services in the world. It provides comprehensive, practical and proven guidance for establishing an effective service management system.

ITIL 4 puts an emphasis on business value, which is achieved through the integration of various frameworks – such as Lean IT, Agile and DevOps that provide a holistic end-to-end picture. A huge ITIL 4 differentiator is the Service Value System that demonstrates how opportunity/demand is
turned into value.

ITIL training and exams are imperative for organisations looking to implement the framework to their IT systems. Available at a reasonable cost, the course and foundation exam will equip students with the various aspects of ITIL and how to implement it into their organisation’s ITSM practices. This includes understanding the seven guiding principles of ITIL 4 and how to implement them to provide best value on outcomes.

ITSM Hub instructors are experts in the field and can efficiently train students and organisations on grasping the framework and how to use it to achieve best results. We have years of experience in training staff from various fields and can assist your organisation with comprehending the framework and how to use it to your team’s advantage.

How do I design my Journey?

At ITSM Hub we recognise that each organisation starts from where they are. As a consequence,
your journey will depend on your starting point. We can advise you on options to address your current situation but our decision matrix below provides examples of which stage of the journey
will help you deal with common issues.

We need... Baseline assessment Service improvement roadmap Design Implementation Capability uplift
Clarity on current capabilities
A baseline to plan future improvements
To understand our Service Management strengths and weaknesses
Help in prioritising improvements
Better management information to support decision making
To move our focus from technology to services
Help with improving our processes
Help with establishing missing processes
Workshops to improve our use of defined practices
Training in best practices
Support for people with new roles and responsibilities
To manage the resulting organisational change
Assistance with our ITSM tool tender and selection process

It is time to start your journey

Organise a consultation to see what your journey should look like and
get started on the journey to better IT Services.